Thursday, September 28, 2023


Tommy Orange. THERE THERE. Penguin, 2018.

Set in Oakland, 21st century. A series of characters, each allocated chapters, are readying themselves to attend a big powwow.

A lot of personal, familial, and social trauma. Incredibly beautifully written. It seems to me that the overall theme, what most of the characters are thinking about, is what does it mean to be an Indian today? Is the writer asking, when you get right down to it, back to it, will there be any there there? 

The title, from a song, originally a quote from Gertrude Stein's memoir of her home city. That when she returned to Oakland to visit, there was no there there. Who knew?

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Val McDermid. THE DISTANT ECHO. Harper, 2003.

A 25-year old cold case murder of Rosie Duff haunts the four suspect lads from Kirkaldy, attending St Andrews at the time, and the surviving family members. Introduces Karen Pirie.

I cannot believe that this is my fourth Val McD and I had never heard of her before this year. I am re-watching TRACE on Knowledge Network, also set in Dundee. The writer made a cameo appearance in an early chapter of the story of another cold case re-opened.

Thursday, September 14, 2023


Sherman Alexie. BLASPHEMY. Grove, 2012.

This man is an incredible writer. I hope he is still writing. I hope he is well. 

This and the previous collection WAR DANCES have taught me how to read short stories. I limit myself to one a day, giving each new plot and set of characters time to sink in and become part of me, my memory. I also found the story "This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix, Arizona" which became one of my favourite movies, SMOKE SIGNALS, starring Adam Beach and Evan Adams.

I am impressed that Alexie writes characters of all genders and leanings. And that he seems to reject a racist denigration of any or all people according to their race. 

This is one of the books I found serendipitously in Fort St. John, BC, in Bill's Books and Bongs, six or seven years ago. 


Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...