Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Interweavings - An Earthabridge Update


Dear Followers, and Newbies Stumbling Here:

It may look as if I've abandoned Earthabridge, but really, I've just been busy.

Right now I'm in the midst of writing a novel, working title Shine, about "the third coming of age," set in BC and in Ireland. I'm in the down dip after finishing the first draft and am busy researching before going back to revise, which is really my FAVOURITE part of writing, making it better.

But I have also been busy in the last several months working on topics which have interested me for years. Some of these I've posted in other blogs.


Jian Ghomeshi's intro today about the neighbourhood reading map of Toronto challenged me. Last fall I completed a long 100-slide Powerpoint on CanLit: A Passion For Place, with representative works from each province and territory augmented with regional visual art. Because of copyright issues, I have not posted this presentation, but I did put the list of books and writers up at a blog If you know of a place to share Powerpoints, I'm interested. My audience for this collection is new Canadians, Canadians educated elsewhere, readers who have not yet explored this beautiful land and its artists, literary and visual.

My other passion has long been HUMAN RIGHTS, and especially the human rights and treaty rights of First Nations in Canada. I have posted my Creative Non-Fiction book DANCING WITH GHOSTS: A CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION at

I am passionate about THE TRUTH ABOUT RECONCILIATION and attempt to share my opinions on Twitter @Earthabridge and by sharing links to blogs where I write about this important issue in Canada today.


IMAGINE CANADA 2017 (our sesquicentennial)

My interest in HUMAN RIGHTS and in LITERATURE has intertwined in AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL's human rights reading book club. Because they haven't got the interactive sharing pages working yet, I am posting my reactions on a separate blog at HUMAN WRITES ACTIVIST. The three Canadian novels I have read for this project are Joseph Boyden's THREE DAY ROAD, Steven Galloway's THE CELLIST OF SARAJEVO, Esi Edugyan's HALF-BLOOD BLUES, and (still reading) Dionne Brand's WHAT WE ALL LONG FOR.

And finally, my interest in family history and genealogy inspired me to accept the Book of ME challenge, a weekly prompt which I post at GENEALOGY PROMPTS

I still check my e-mail at and more frequently at 

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...