Sunday, August 17, 2014

Work In Progress - The Rocking Girl

The Rocking Girl

I've been working on a novel set in British Columbia and Ireland. I've managed the third major revision, pushing it last week in order to run off a copy to give to my first beta reader, my writer friend Marilyn Meden, who was here for a summer holiday visit. She gave me valuable feedback. As we were discussing the protagonist, Wyn, and the “arc” of the story, I heard myself insisting that the novel is not about the relationship, it is about Wyn, and her development. And that I need a title which tips the reader to that fact, that it's about Wyn. Then it came to me. The Rocking Girl. And with it came the concept for the cover – a statue of a rocking girl, in the yoga, not the fetal position. Wyn is an artist and the Rocking Girl is one of her pieces to which other characters refer. Thanks, Marilyn.

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...