Sunday, June 11, 2017

Carrying the Shadow

June 10, 2017

Patrick Friesen. Carrying the Shadow. Porcepic, 1999.

Reading Carrying the Shadow is like walking through a graveyard with Patrick and eavesdropping on the conversations he has. It is wonderful. I like it almost more than You Don't Get to Be a Saint. And I think I have found in it a poem that gave me goosebumps when I heard Patrick read it at a Word on the Street, about a dead man with an open blue eye--"the man who licked stones." But it is these lines, from "poem for a father" which make me want to quote and re-read: 
     I've watched him [a boy] on the beach
     digging among the rocks
     stopping to stare across the water

     he doesn't know what he's looking for
     it'a a code in his bones
     that drives him toward memory (p. 64)

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...