Saturday, July 25, 2020


Ruth C. Robbins. SECRET CUPID: Love at the Stationary Store. SP, 2019.

A fast lighter than Harlequin read. Sad young widow feels alone and rejected. Goes to a mixer. Meets 2 men. Problems ensue. I like the way the mystery is tied into the stationary store setting. 

I know I'm guilty of the same thing but it makes me sad to see women with no emotional life except longing for a man. And all the small town people whose lives peaked in high school. Sad. 

This slim volume suffers from many pitfalls of self-publishing. Tips: number your pages; choose fonts that are readable size, and line-spacing that is reader-friendly; ask someone who is good at it to copy edit. The bonus chapter made no sense, unless a reader said that you have to tie up all the loose ends, and make everyone happy in the end? 

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...