Sunday, June 18, 2023


 Joan Thomas. CURIOSITY. McClelland & Stewart, 2010.

I seldom to never re-read books. Just too many to read, too little time. But I chose to re-read Joan Thomas' CURIOSITY after a brief conversation with a friend about Mary Anning, the heroine of this novel. Besides, I read it more than ten years ago, before my latest trip to Lyme Regis. Before I visited Mary's grave and the Lyme Regis museum, and brought home ammonites from her cliffs, as talismans from the area where one of my grandmothers was born. It is a wonderful read, made even better by knowing that all the characters are based on actual people. Really makes me wish that I still had a copy of The French Lieutenant's Woman, the film, and all its scenes on the Cobb and in the forested Undercliff. The landscape is also part of the pleasure of watching the BROADCHURCH series too. 

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...