Sunday, November 5, 2023


Howard Norman. THE GHOST CLAUSE. Houghton Mifflin, 2019.

I picked up this novel at the library book sale because I know the author. Because he is American but has written about Canadian and Indigenous stories and settings. His WISHING BONE CYCLE: NARRATIVE POEMS OF THE SWAMPY CREE INDIANS I used teaching high school. A student made a mural of its image. I also read THE MUSEUM GUARD which was set in Nova Scotia. I was also intrigued by the title, as I am working at incorporating a ghost in IN YOUR DREAMS (although it can also be explained as 'haunted by the memory of her dead sister'). 

This 'ghost clause' idea is so interesting. If someone buys a house which then turns out to have a ghost, to be haunted, then the seller is obligated to buy the house back. A clause written in to the bill of sale.

I did enjoy the book. I also enjoy its representation of a marriage of equals which is passionate and happy. 

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Billy Collins. THE TROUBLE WITH POETRY and Other Poems . Random, 2005. Another find from my used bookseller Wish List. I love getting these ...