Sunday, January 12, 2025


Rose Houk, with Pat O'Hara & Danny On. GOING-TO-THE-SUN: The Story of the Highway Across Glacier National Park. Robert White & Associates, 1984.

It's a slow start to 2025 as I'm reading a history text, so finding this booklet and another soup recipe book at the thrift store was a godsend. 

I have travelled this highway at least three times. The first time my father was the driver and even he was scared. One of the first poems I wrote, "Montana High", was about the second crossing. 

This brief history of the visioning, funding, and construction of this high mountain road is impressive. Black powder was used to blast the mountains. The "sappers" placing the powder worked in their sock feet, because the hobnails on their workboots could spark and ignite everything. There were only 3 deaths of workers reported, but many many more resignations, bowing out while they still could.

The opening celebrations, on July 15,1933, included a "burying of the hatchet" peace pipe ceremony involving three First Nations.

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...