Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Joy of Writing

Last year I used Twitter to document my reading. Very unsatisfying. I aim to read about one book per week, over 50 each year. (I am a very slow reader.) I've been exceeding my own expectations ever since the e-zine I reviewed for lost its funding. Meaning, I've had more time to read for myself, for pure pleasure, without having to make notes, re-read, and write afterwards. However, on reviewing my 2015 list of books read ( http://booklistsjmb.blogspot.ca/2016/02/2015.html ) I found that some things - titles authors plots characters - have escaped me. Cannot for the life of me remember what I read. So perhaps, a monthly roundup, or a post for each book, will help.

Pierre Berton The Joy of Writing 

I started the year reading a book I received as a gift -- Pierre Berton's The Joy of Writing. I saw the late Canadian writer and pundit once at Sechelt. So tall. And I have read many of his popular history books. Niagara. The CPR Illustrated. Klondike. Although my favourite is his Drifting Home, about a canoeing/rafting trip with family in the Yukon. This Joy of Writing is worth it for the title. It is a disguised memoir, he says, about his career. Although it made me feel even more that you get an agent who gets you published as long as you are famous and many people will recognize your name from your journalism or media career. Sour grapes, I know. Thank goodness for new media, when we unknowns can do it for ourselves. The line I remember most from the book, 30-odd days ago, is "Save everything!" Which is somewhat unfortunate because I was in the midst of moving from my dream house where I lived and wrote for 20 years and was really having trouble sorting and tossing, especially paper.

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...