Sunday, August 28, 2022


Jason Heit. KAIDENBERG'S BEST SONS. Coteau, 2019.

A collection of linked short stories about three generations of men of a Saskatchewan farming community around the turn of the twentieth century. Family ties. Cheating. Jealousy. Violence. Grief. and Curses.

A peek behind the curtains into the emotional lives of apparently stoic characters. I'm glad I lucked into it. Knowing my preference for Canadian writers, a
 friend gifted me this after mistakenly thinking it was about a Mennonite community. They are German-speaking Catholics originally from around the Black Sea, transplanted to Saskatchewan from the Dakotas. 

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Anne Michaels. FUGITIVE PIECES. McClelland & Stewart, 1996. In my memory, I have tried unsuccessfully at least three times to read this...